Press Release

Annual Forecast of Contracting Opportunities

Did you know that at the beginning of every fiscal year (Oct 1) federal agencies are required to publish a forecast of contracting opportunities? Public Law 100-656, the Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988, amended the Small Business Act to place new emphasis on acquisition planning.

Federal agencies post contract opportunities that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, currently $250,000, that can or will be set-aside for small businesses and socio-economic programs. This allows small businesses to plan and prepare for upcoming solicitations. The posted opportunities are what an agency intends to acquire over that Fiscal Year, however, priorities and funding may change that will cause the requirement to be canceled for that year.

Posted opportunities provide a description of the requirement, the magnitude of the effort, the FY quarter for solicitation release, the proposed set-aside, and points of contact. There should be enough detail in the posted opportunity to determine if it is a requirement to watch for.

Below is a list of forecast of contracting opportunities websites for federal agencies excluding the Department of Defense. Search for opportunities in Fiscal Year 2021.


Written by Nanci Pigeon, Procurement Specialist