Expert Advice

Earth Day and Environmental Contracting

Earth Day was the initiative of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1969. The initiative worked towards changing the public attitude by highlighting the issue of environmental responsibility. Earth Day became official on April 22, 1970 and continues to be celebrated 52 years later. The Earth Day movement prompted a new environmental emphasis within political parties and presidential administrations. The most notable environmental acts that came from the movement are the Endangered Species Act, the National Environment Policy Act, and the Clean Air and Water Act.

In California, environmental awareness was at the forefront of the administration of Governor Edmund G Brown prior to the Earth Day initiative. In 1961, Governor Brown placed the state’s environmental quality programs under the California Resources Agency and established a state cabinet position for Secretary of Environmental Affairs. In 1991, Governor Pete Wilson established an agency for environmental policies, the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA).

Today, California Natural Resources Agency and CalEPA consist of 14 departments and numerous commissions all with a focus on preserving and protecting California’s environmental resources. In the past year, both of these agencies have purchased over $179 million* in products and services from Small Business Entities (SBE) or Disabled Veteran Business Entities (SVBE) through competitive actions. Most people probably think that these departments only buy environmental products or services but that is not true. These departments purchased IT Goods and IT Services in the amount of $25.7 million and Non-IT Goods and Non-IT Services in the amount of $153.9 million over the past year. If you are a SBE/DVBE that supplies these types of goods or services it is a good idea to market yourself to the departments’ SBE/DVBE advocates.

Example of Goods and Services

  • IT Goods & Services
  • Non-IT Goods & Services
  • Hardware & Software
  • Office Supplies
  • Printers & Scanners
  • Janitorial Supplies
  • Smart TVs
  • Bench Stock Items (nuts, screws, etc.)
  • Copier Maintenance
  • Janitorial Services
  • Software Licensing
  • Building  Maintenance
  • IT Professional Services
  • Vehicle Maintenance

*Statistical data obtained from CaleProcure State Contract & Procurement Registration System (SCPRS). The dates included are from January 1, 2021 to March 23, 2022. Data is as accurate as possible.


Earth Day 2022

This Earth Day, join Norcal PTAC at a free webinar to hear from SB/ DVBE Advocates at CA Department of Water Resources (CDWR) and CA Department of Parks & Recreation (CDPR)

April 22, 2022 | 10AM PST | Virtual




Written by:

Nanci Pigeon, Norcal PTAC Procurement Specialist