NASA Technology Procurement: SEWP V-VI Contracts
Do you sell Information Technology (IT) products and services? If so, you’ll want to review the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Information Technology Procurement Office’s (ITPO) 6th Generation of Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurements Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (SEWP VI GWAC) Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP). The draft solicitation was posted on September 11, 2023, and proposers have until October 23, 2023, to provide comments. Your comments are invaluable, as NASA wants to know the latest industry standards, products, and services to ensure the contract has the most up-to-date technology before finalizing the Request for Proposal (RFP)

The principal purpose of NASA SEWP is to provide the federal government with an all-encompassing, one-stop acquisition vehicle for Information Technology Product and Service Solutions. The statutory authority allowing usage of the SEWP contracts by the entire Federal Government is NASA’s designation as an Executive Agent by OMB based on the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) of 1996, now the Clinger-Cohen Act. The contract streamlines the acquisition process for these items and services and can lead to direct awards to your company.

*SEWP is a GWAC comprising over 140 pre-competed Prime Contract Holders, including over 100 small businesses.
Potential Offeror Instructions
Potential offerors are encouraged to comment on all aspects of the DRFP, including the requirements, schedules, proposal instructions, and evaluation approaches, any perceived safety, occupational health, security (including information technology security), environmental, export control, and other programmatic risk issues associated with the performance of the work. Potential offerors should identify any unnecessary or inefficient requirements and are also encouraged to comment on the DRFP’s unique terms and conditions, exhibits, and the clarity of the Instructions and Evaluation Criteria.
Proposed Contract Type & Length
Please note the DRFP is not a solicitation, and NASA is not requesting proposals. The RFP that results from this draft process will result in a GWAC Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Fixed Price Contract with the ability to issue Firm Fixed Price, Time and Material, Labor Hour, Fixed Price Award Fee, Fixed Price Incentive Fee, and Fixed Price Economic Price Adjustment orders. The contract will have an effective ordering period of 10 years from the contract’s effective date.
IDIQ Definition
Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts provide for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services for a fixed time. They are used when an agency can’t determine, above a specified minimum, the precise amounts of supplies or services that the government will require during the contract period. IDIQs help streamline the contract process and speed up supply or service delivery. The government places delivery orders (for supplies) or task orders (for services) against a basic contract (e.g., SEWP) for individual requirements. Minimum and maximum quantity limits are specified in the basic contract as units (for supplies) or dollar values (for services). IDIQ contracts also include a ceiling, which typically refers to the total dollar amount that can be awarded against the contract. The NASA SEWP V GWAC has a ceiling of $20 billion for each contract.
Timeline to Award
- An Industry Day is planned for Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at the College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center: 3501 University Blvd E College Park, Maryland 20783. Registration to attend can be found by visiting:
- The response date for the DRFP is October 23, 2023, 11:59 pm EST.
- The planned release date for the Final Request for Proposal (RFP) is on or about February 2024, with proposals being due approximately 60 calendar days later.
- The anticipated contract award date is October 2024, with a May 1, 2025, contract effective date. Place of performance will be determined at the order level.
The DRFP is your opportunity to inform NASA of the latest industry information to improve the upcoming RFP but also provides an opportunity for you to see the structure and information that will be the outline for the RFP. This opportunity can help you prepare well in advance of the open RFP so you can put your best foot forward and secure a NASA SEWP V GWAC contract!
If you want to provide information to NASA about the DRFP but aren’t sure what to do, please get in touch with your APEX Counselor for advice. If you don’t plan to offer any comments to the DRFP but would like to start drafting a document you can use as your outline for a response, your APEX Counselor can help you with that, too. If you don’t have an APEX Counselor, please apply for services today!
If you have more questions, please contact us at or 707.267.7561
Authored by: Nanci R. Pigeon, Norcal APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist