How to Do Business with the Government

Dec 14 10:00 am — 11:00 am

Monthly Introductory Webinars

Did you know government agencies purchase almost everything – from custodial, construction, and IT, to pencils, pet food, and even goats for grazing!

Join us to discover the opportunities and requirements of doing business with the government. We’ll help you determine if selling to the government is right for you, and teach you the basics of how to get started and be successful. 

On the second Thursday of every month, Norcal APEX Accelerator hosts a FREE introductory webinar for government contracting newbies. This webinar will give you a run-down of what you need to know and how you can prepare for success in the government marketplace. From “am I ready?” to submitting your first proposal, this webinar will set you on the path towards winning contracts with local, state, and federal agencies. 

Webinar Topics Include:

  • What is the APEX Accelerator Program?
  • What is government contracting?
  • How to determine if selling to the government is right for you
  • How to get started
  • Marketing to the government
  • Where to find bid opportunities
  • Steps for Success​

Meet your speaker

Thomas Burns,

Procurement Specialist,

Norcal APEX Accelerator

Headshot of Thomas Burns

Thomas Burns has over 20 years of experience providing start-ups, micro & small businesses with expert advice and assistance in the areas of government contracting, business planning, marketing and sales support. His background includes providing direct representation to small businesses, writing business plans for 50+ clients, bidding and winning multiple contracts with City, County, State agencies as well as doing business with prime contractors in a variety of industries here in Northern California.

Mr. Burns has personally trained, coached and assisted hundreds of entrepreneurs, professionals and small business owners. He has taught webinars, seminars and conducted workshops focusing on building relationships with Prime Contractors, creating winning business plans and marketing to government agencies. Through his personal experience as a business owner, Thomas brings a unique perspective to the small business community.

Register for this Webinar Here >>

Registration Cost:


Location: Virtual (Zoom Webinar)

Event Contact: Norcal APEX Accelerator

P: (707) 267-7561


The information provided in this webinar/ workshop and any supplementary materials provided to registrants are intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial or legal advice. No registrant should act or fail to act on the basis of any material contained in this webinar/ workshop without obtaining proper financial, legal or other professional advice specific to their situation. The Northern California APEX Accelerator, and its host, the HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation, specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the information presented in this webinar/ workshop. By registering for this webinar/ workshop you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, accept and agree to the above disclaimer and that under no circumstances shall the Northern California APEX Accelerator or it’s host, the HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation, be held liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any kind or nature arising out of or in any way related to the information provided in this webinar/ workshop and/or the registrant’s use of or reliance on said information.

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This no-cost training event is hosted by

Norcal APEX Accelerator

Northern California APEX Accelerator is a government-funded nonprofit formed to help small businesses find, bid on, and win contracts with federal, state, local, and tribal agencies.

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If you have more questions, please contact us at or (707) 267 – 7561