Terms of USE
It is Northern California APEX Accelerator’s (Norcal APEX Accelerator) policy to not divulge any information including name, e-mail or mailing address, or phone number of any individual/business receiving consulting or training assistance to any other persons or organization without the express written consent of the individual/business.
Norcal APEX Accelerator owns and manages this site. All rights are reserved. This site’s content, including but not limited to text, articles, photographs, images, trademarks, logos, and service marks, is owned and operated by Norcal APEX Accelerator and is protected by copyright laws of the United States. Material from this site cannot be copied, republished, or distributed without the Norcal APEX Accelerator’s direct consent. This site’s content is only for your personal, non-commercial use.
The Norcal APEX Accelerator is a part of the federally-mandated APEX Accelerator program and recognized by the National APEX Accelerator Alliance (NAPEX). This APEX Accelerator is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), and other private and public partners, with Humboldt University’s Sponsored Programs Foundation (HSU), serving as our network’s headquarters.
All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOD or other funding partners.
Equal Treatment of Clients
The Norcal APEX Accelerator does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, age or national origin in services or accommodations offered or provided to its customers, guests, applicants for service, volunteers or members of the public.
The Norcal APEX Accelerator does not discriminate if a person does not speak English as their primary language. If a person has a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English, we provide language assistance services such as oral interpretation services, bilingual staff, and written language services.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. To request accommodation or language assistance, please contact the Norcal APEX Accelerator nearest you to discuss your needs.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The Norcal APEX Accelerator does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, age or national origin in our employment practices, including the hiring, retention, or promotion of employees; nor in determining their rank, or the compensation or fringe benefits paid them.
HSU’s Legal and Consumer Info
With HSU serving as the headquarters of the Norcal APEX Accelerator, the network complies with HSU’s legal and consumer information protection policies. Click here for details.
All content on the Norcal APEX Accelerator websites is copyrighted by the curators of the Norcal APEX Accelerator websites unless specifically stated otherwise.
None of this content may be copied, altered or distributed without the express written permission of the curators of the Norcal APEX Accelerator website properties.
To request permission to redistribute any material found on this website, please contact Norcal APEX Accelerator at info@norcalptac.org (opens in a new window). Please state specifically what information – text, graphic, photography, etc. – you wish permission to reuse and describe the manner in which you intend to reuse it. Also include the URL of the content you wish to use and a daytime phone number, contact name and email address.
All information provided is believed to be accurate, current and reliable at the time of publishing. However, neither HSU nor the curators of the Norcal APEX Accelerator website warrant that the information is complete or accurate. HSU and the curators of the Norcal APEX Accelerator website cannot be held liable by any person for loss caused by errors or omissions in the information on HSU websites. If you identify inaccurate or outdated information on the sites, please notify HSU Extension at info@norcalptac.org (opens in new window).
You may browse and print data from norcalptac.org and other information servers owned or operated by the Norcal APEX Accelerator, so long as you preserve appropriate credit when reproducing or quoting this data. If an author imposes further restrictions, observe those restrictions. If you find that information provided by this service is inaccurate or unclear, please let the author, organization or service provider know. In most cases, the name, initials or e-mail address of the provider may be found at the foot of the page. If you are unable to locate this information, please send your comments to info@norcalptac.org (opens in new window). Please include the URL of the page in question.
Neither HSU nor the Norcal APEX Accelerator guarantees that a particular web server will be online at any given time. Every reasonable attempt is made to ensure that the servers operated by the Norcal APEX Accelerator are continuously available. Operators of other servers at HSU are encouraged to do the same within the limits of their missions. Do not use HSU computing resources to disseminate illegally copied software, computer files, or other copyrighted materials. Note: Such illegal activities could result in Federal prosecution.
For additional information about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Intellectual Property — The Norcal APEX Accelerator’s guidelines for enforcing DMCA, which includes warning users of penalties for infringing copyright, click here.
Please Note
Our Privacy Policy reflects the Norcal APEX Accelerator’s current business practices and is subject to change without notice.
Website Feedback
If you have questions or would like additional information regarding the Norcal APEX Accelerator’s website, contact us at:
Norcal APEX Accelerator
Attn: Public Inquiry
1 Harpst st. Hse. 71
Arcata, CA 95521
Email us at:
Updated: 07/31/2024